Fact 11 SERVED Chocolate the Aphrodisiac In itself a sensuous food, plus it contains the chemicals anandamide and phenylethylamine, which boost serotonin levels which is the feel good hormone. BLACK UP COSMESTICS Gracing in magazines like Ebony and Essence, the Paris brand is no stranger to the ethnic skin. If you are a woman of color and love MAC, then there is no reason why would dont know about this brand. Check them out at Founder Founder Note Ebony Chante Instagram: Travelingnubian Tributaree: Ebony Chante Twitter: @misshonneyblaq Love of “self” seems to be one of the most difficult task for us to do. We are conditioned to rely on societys approval for self-assurance. Improved self-esteem is a key psychological benefit of regular physical activity. When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins. These endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain . Research has also shown that exercise releases endorphins that boost your self-esteem, helping you concentrate as well as sleep, look and feel better. Not bad for something we can quite easily do for free! Being active doesn’t have to mean taking out an expensive gym membership, jogging at 5am or sporting lycra. There are so many ways to be active and they can all help to improve your mental health. Taking part in physical activities can be a great way to meet people. They can also offer us the chance of taking a well-deserved break from the hustle and bustle of daily life. So falling love with yourself might not be as hard as everyone making it! SIMPLICITY III