Black Globe International Magazine Oct 2019 2019-10 Black Globe International Magazine Vol 201 | Page 6

Beautiful Imani Miss Teen Black Globe International You can be the next Miss Teen Black Globe International Single teen young ladies age 13-17 Join us today: You are a Phenomenal Woman! Bad hair days, last minute deadline...again, the appliance broke down, crazy drivers, feeling tired and chunky, THAT MAN …. ARRGGHHH!!! Still you keep going, you keep getting it done. You have strength that must have only come from God. That strength to push through when every thing seems to be holding you back is exactly how you know you are phe- nomenal. You are a winner! A Phenomenal Woman!” That’s right I am! Dr. Maya Angelou told me that, when I was in high school. Since, I had a verbal presentation of that poem, I had to remember it. I was reminded that I do not shout, or jump about nor raise my voice and that my head is not bowed. I didn’t recall the exact words so I looked it up. I found a video of the late Dr. Maya Angelou reciting her poem at When I was younger (about a week ago), I had so many things going wrong at the same time when some...person (who did not look like me) endangered me and my baby by slamming on the brakes in front of me, yelling and cursing in road rage and gave me the bird. Well she caught me at the wrong time! I flashed back to the Hood and started using words that we will just call less than queenly. As the female being kept on with her rant, trying to earn an old school beat down, my daughter said she was disappointed in my language and potential behavior (I didn't execute but I was thinking on it). ClassicBlackCinema on Youtube: Whoa! Those words from my little girl put immediate wa- ter on the fire that was stirring. I said a quick prayer to get myself back in order. No matter what is going on around us, WE have to keep ourselves in order. I took a deep breath, calmed my tone and amazingly, I could immediately see the misery in that female. Whatever ex- plicit words she was saying, no longer came into my con- sciousness. I could only feel sorry for her. Your past does not determine your future, you determine your future. You decide what you want your future to look like and go forward toward that vision. Forgive yourself and others, for your well being. Decide to and then make new and better choices. You will see just how Phenomenal you are and so will we. The words are moving and stirring just as they were back in high school. The Beautiful Truth of her poem still re- mains today, even though the poem “Phenomenal Woman” was written many years ago and Dr. Maya Angelou passed away in 2014. I cried that day but I still believed I was a Phenomenal Woman. Now I am reminding you of that Beautiful Truth, You are a Phenomenal Woman! In the words of the late, great Dr. Maya Angelou here is the poem that describes you: Then I heard it in my mind: “You are so much than that behavior. You are a mother, a mentor, a role model, and 6