Black Globe International Magazine Oct 2019 2019-10 Black Globe International Magazine Vol 201 | Page 5
Publisher’s Page
Being a Black woman in the world to-
day is a powerful position. even in the
tumultuous political environment, the
negative racial undertones across the
globe toward Blacks, and women in
general. This discriminatory and vic-
tim blaming behavior tragedy is a real-
ity today. We as Black women stand-
up to improve these untruths!
Black Globe International Magazine is
a place to see and support the
Beautiful Truth
that is the Black woman!
Black Globe International Magazine is
about women’s empowerment and
building families through good health,
increased wealth and improved rela-
tionships all across the globe!
As the publisher of Black Globe Inter-
national Magazine and the Executive
International Director of Black Globe
International Pageants, I take great
pride in uplifting and supporting wom-
en and girls across the globe with a
special focus on those of us from the
Black cultures. It is my sincere prayer
that women and teens benefit from our
magazine and I pray with even more
fervor that my Black sisters will bene-
fit, learn, and prosper in their health,
wealth, and relationships as a direct
result of reading our magazine and/or
joining our pageant family.
Dr. Stephvanie Wynn