Biswas Vol 2, Issue 1 | Page 46

A small diversion for you ...

Children only come through you, they are not of you, not your property. Not your future investment. You are only doing everything possible to see that he remains dependent on you, in some way or the other. You do not thinking of liberating him. You want your children be attached to you. Parents feel children are the only place they can boss around. You must do this now, stop parenting them.

Children, what they need is a friend, not a father or mother. Children, now they are trying to become a life by themselves. Your only qualification against them is you came a few years earlier. Or do you think you are more intelligent than your children? Beyond this you don’t have any other qualification to tell them what to do and what not to do.

You only have to see it that he does not get unqualified advice. You only have to guard them against that. You must then have the courage to see to it that they don’t take the advice from you either. If you bring up your child with such a sense of fear against his own intelligence and his own decisions, If you bring him up in a way that he has to listen to your advice , he will come with a rebellious. Even when good things are said, he won’t do them. This is something that most parents are experiencing. Treat them as one more person, not as your child, your child. You can’t create a life. You just provided some genetic substance to make a body. A child is not your making. It is a privilege that they have come through you. Enjoy the privilege, cherish the privilege, respect the privilege. Most people never create an atmosphere for the people to grow. They have been brought up the way, you want them to be, not a way they should as life. They have a tremendous sense of observation. Observation pops up a million questions. You answer as many questions as you can, for the rest, you say I don’t know. Children go to their friends, not to their father because they know they are more sincere than him.

Handle this privilege sincerely, respectfully. Just you have to protect them from wrong influences , you have to protect them. Rest leave them free. At the same time they should remain free of your own influences.

If you want to raise children, raise yourself.