bio event
such as Dr Mohan
Agashe, Former Director,
Maharashtra Institute
of Mental Health, who
touched the socially
relevant topic of Mental
Health. Dr Agashe showed
a snippet of his film ‘Astu’
to the audience which left
the audience thinking on
this much burning societal
issue. Prof Kris Gledhill,
Director of Clinical
Legal Education, AUT
Law School, Auckland,
New Zealand put forth
his views on the global
advocacy perspectives
on mental health. Track
3 also dealt with the
medico-legal aspects
around patient safety
which was discussed
by Prof. John Tingle,
Reader in Health Law,
Nottingham Trent
University, UK
The focus of Track
4 on Healthcare:
Engineering Design &
Geospatial Applications
was on recent trends
in the designing of
‘Smart Hospitals’,
use of technology,
innovative applications &
adoption of user centric
ergonomically designed
equipments for effective
healthcare delivery.
BioVoiceNews | May 2017
Dr. Nitin Tripathi,
Professor, Asian Institute
of Technology (AIT),
Bangkok, enlightened
on how Geographic
Information System
(GIS), a computer system
for capturing, storing,
checking, and displaying
data related to positions
on Earth’s surface can
prove to be a technology
boon in healthcare by
way of assisting in the
geographical mapping of
disease risk.
Day 2: Role of
information technology
and international
relations in global
The second day of the
event opened up with
two parallel sessions
i.e. Track 5 and Track 6.
Track 5 on Healthcare
IT dealt with the positive
impact of technology on
the healthcare delivery.
Amongst a host on
speakers who spoke on
IT as an enabler was Ms
Linda Roberson, CEO,
Paper Tracer Software
System, USA, who
presented a case study
view on the adoption,
use & implementation of
electronic health record
system by Symbiosis and
how it had resulted in
not only cost savings by
way of reduction in use of
paper but also improved
accessibility of healthcare
information for the
users at the click of one
button. This initiative by
Symbiosis to move from
paper to paperless office
was applauded by one and
all in the gathering.
Track 6 on Healthcare:
International Relations
threw interesting
perspective on the
linkages between global
healthcare and the
various dimensions of
International Relations.
The track discussed that
given the increasing
and interdependence of
countries, the issue of
public health security is
fast becoming a part of
foreign policy formulation
and diplomatic
negotiations. Dr Roderico
H. Ofrin, Regional
Coordinator, WHO, South
East Asian Regional Office
(SEARO), New Delhi
discussed the role World
Health Organization
(WHO) plays for
ensuring healthcare
in humanitarian and