various sub-themes under
Track 1 ranging from
Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs), global &
national perspectives on
Healthcare Financing,
Government policies
& interventions to the
role of the Civil Society
Organizations (GSOs)
towards improving
healthcare delivery. Dr K
Srinath Reddy mentioned
that the Millennium
Development Goals
(MDGs) formulated in
2000, focused only on
mortality & not morbidity
and how the SDGs now
focus on the concept
of well-being for all at
all ages.
One of the speaker in
Track 1 on Healthcare
Economics & Financing
was Mr Alok Kumar,
Advisor, National
Institution for
Transforming India (NITI
Aayog), Government of
India. He spoke on the
Government Policies and
Interventions designed
to address the important
aspects on healthcare
economics. He brought
to the attention of the
audience that expenditure
on health in India is
inadequate and has to be
prioritized and increased.
The Track 2 on Healthcare
Communications had
Dr. Pradeep Krishnatray,
India- Director, Johns
Hopkins Bloomberg
School of Public Health
discussing a case study
approach to the research
conducted in Healthcare
He concluded that
communication revolves
around the science of
behavior, perception
& persuasion.
The Track 3 on Healthcare
Laws featured stalwarts
The BioVoice News was
the official media partner
of the SymHealth 2017.
The multi-disciplinary
conference succeeded
in forging new dialogues
amongst various
stakeholders of the
healthcare community,
both in India and abroad,
bringing in new insights
and perspectives from
other fields and offered a
platform on which to foster
intellectual fellowship
amongst all stakeholders.