BioVoice News eMag September 2023 | Page 18

Dr Rakesh Gupta , Chairman , Sarvodaya Hospital , Faridabad shares his views on the smart technologies and how his hospital is driving the change


“ We are actively integrating smart technologies in various aspects of healthcare delivery ”

By Rahul Koul

Why should a hospital implement smart technologies ? What impact will it have on operational efficiency
The primary objectives of implementing smart technologies in hospital settings are to enhance patient care , improve operational efficiency , and streamline processes . Key technologies commonly integrated include Electronic Medical Records ( EMR ) that serves as the foundation for building smart technologies in hospital settings by providing a centralized digital repository of patient data , enabling seamless data access and analysis . AI and Machine Learning aid in early disease detection , treatment planning , and predicting patient outcomes . Robotics in surgeries and automation in administrative tasks reduce the

Dr Rakesh Gupta , Chairman , Sarvodaya Hospital , Faridabad shares his views on the smart technologies and how his hospital is driving the change

chances of human errors and enhance precision . Telemedicine and Remote Monitoring technologies help us extend our reach to remote areas , enabling patients to access healthcare services more conveniently .
How is the Sarvodaya Hospital integrating smart technologies and how these have positively impacted the quality of patient care ?
At our hospital , we have been actively
BioVoiceNews | September 2023