BioVoice News eMag September 2023 | Page 17

care and surgical planning . Hospitals leverage big data analytics to identify trends , track patient outcomes , and optimize resource allocation . Predictive analytics help healthcare providers make informed decisions .
Hospitals are also offering patient portals for secure communication , appointment scheduling , and access to medical records . These portals empower patients to take an active role in their healthcare . Remote patient monitoring technology allows healthcare providers to track patients ' vital signs and health metrics from a distance , making it especially valuable for managing chronic conditions .
Addressing the challenges
While the potential of smart hospitals is immense , there are challenges to consider , including data security , interoperability of systems , and the need for ongoing training for healthcare staff to effectively use these technologies . Additionally , the high initial cost of implementation can be a barrier for some healthcare institutions .
“ Like in other industry verticals , cyber security threats are real and represent a risk to patient clinical information . Security breaches in bio-medical connected devices are not yet widely known , but there are instances in certain pockets . We , at Medanta , are cognizant that information security is critical , especially when the patient ’ s health-related information is concerned ,” said Rajiv Sikka , Group CIO , Medanta .
“ Since the data is managed largely by HIS ( for electronic records ), the same is managed through user level access which is further regulated by system audits .
As per Dr Gopal Sharan , Managing Director & CEO TR Life sciences , there are governance protocols shared with all users to adhere data protection norms . “ For security appropriate firewall systems are deployed & periodic backups are triggered . Timely trainings ( internal & external ) are given to the users for preventing phishing attacks .”
“ In smart hospitals , stringent data management and security measures are in place to protect the substantial volumes of patient and operational data . This includes encrypting all patient data , both at rest and in transit ,” mentions Vineet Aggarwal , Chief Information Officer , Paras Health .
Re-imagining the future of healthcare
Smart hospitals are not just a technological marvel ; they represent a transformational shift in healthcare delivery . As these institutions continue to evolve , the integration of emerging technologies and the dedication of healthcare professionals will redefine the boundaries of what is possible in healthcare . The vision of smart hospitals is one where healthcare is not just reactive but proactive , personalized , and accessible to all . By harnessing the potential of smart technology , the future of healthcare looks brighter than ever , promising better health and well-being for individuals and communities around the world .
