post-TB conditions is significant . While current treatments can successfully eliminate tuberculosis , there is no established strategy to address the lung damage , such as fibrosis , that remains after the disease is cured . This research aims to tackle that issue , focusing on reducing or reversing the disabilities caused by TB , thereby improving the quality of life for survivors . In India , where TB is prevalent , this study could offer vital benefits to TB survivors , helping them not only be cured of the infection but also recover from the long-term effects , leading to better health outcomes and overall well-being .
How do you look at current statistics on TB prevalence in India , and whether have they changed over the past few years ?
The statistics on TB prevalence in India have shown notable improvement over the past few years . Initially driven by The Revised National TB Control Programme ( RNTCP ), the country has made significant strides in both treatment and prevention . According to the 2023
report , there has been a 16 % decline in new TB cases and an 18 % decrease in mortality rates since 2015 , which is a major achievement . One of the key factors contributing to this progress is the mandatory TB notification system , which ensures that all TB cases
The collaboration focuses on the long-term effects experienced by tuberculosis ( TB ) patients who have completed their treatment . treated in both the public and private sectors are tracked . Interestingly , the increase in notifications has largely come from the private sector , which now handles around 40-50 % of TB cases . This collaboration between public and private sectors has been instrumental in improving outcomes and better managing the disease .
What are the biggest challenges India faces in the fight against TB , particularly in rural and economically disadvantaged areas ?
India faces several significant challenges in its fight against TB , particularly in rural and economically disadvantaged areas . These challenges span diagnostic , treatment , social , economic , and nutritional factors , all of which need to be addressed collectively . In rural areas , primary health centers need to be empowered , with well-trained human resources and adequate government funding to
BioVoiceNews | October 2024