BioVoice News eMag November-December 2023 | Page 27

has sustained the research work through many Grants and Awards supported by the Department of Biotechnology , Government of India ; Biotechnology Research Assistance Council ( BIRAC ), Centre for cellular and molecular platforms ( CCAMP ); and Karnataka Biotechnology and Information Technology Services ( KBITS ).
Indian advance wound care market is about 2500 crore , and the company is looking forward to tapping a 5 percent market share by 2025 . Fibroheal is eyeing a huge potential and sustainable business for its indigenously developed products that are cost-effective enough to fulfill the needs of the wound care market . It has , therefore , invested accordingly in its R & D , regulatory , manufacturing , and business development initiatives , taking necessary steps to achieve its aspirations of becoming the most comprehensive wound management company .
The company has few patents in hand , and few applied for and is engaged actively with leading science institutes of the country including likes of IISc ( Indian Institute of Science ) and various IITs and supporting lot of students in the process while bringing down the barrier of industry-academia connect .
Key Milestones In 2019 , Fibroheal became a winner of
prestigious ELEVATE 100 , flagship program of Karnataka government under idea2POC program organized by KITS , Government of Karnataka . It was followed by being winner of ‘ Startup of the year ’ in 2020 under smart bio awards during Bengaluru Tech Summit 2020 . The company was also one of the finalists of “ National Start-up Awards 2020 .” The company was also one of the winners of ‘ National Technology Award 2020 ’ organized by Technology Development Board ( TDB ), a statutory body under department of science and technology , Government of India .
In November 2022 , the company raised funding from KITVEN- Venture fund arm of Karnataka govt , and existing investors including Telama Investment