Biomedical Engineering Technology Volume 2 | Page 25







At number 6 is another Allied Health Program, being Surgical Technology. Our qualified, and enthusiastic surgical technology faculty enjoy working with our faculty to develop realistic interdisciplinary scenarios that not only benefit our combined students but those of the entire Center for Health Professions

At number 5 is yet another Allied Health Program, being Healthcare Information Technology. At one point, Medical Equipment was at the heart of many of the allied health and nursing disciplines. Now we have an electronic connection being medical records. HIT is the networking piece that allows BMET to connect to our healthcare professional disciplines with our medical devices.

Nursing is a force to recon with in healthcare as well as in education. They take their craft seriously and BMET needs to be on top of their game to provide value to the equation. The nursing department owns the Human Patient Simulation center that our BMET students use a laboratory. Our lab room is a hospital.

At number 3,is our Natural Sciences department. While other schools may have natural science courses in their BMET program, our Natural Sciences department works closely with us to build curriculum. Recently, as you can see by this new catalog, our Biology Department added a biotechnology instrumentation course and will work to teach our BMETs the use, and operational troubleshooting of common devices found in biotech firms. San Antonio is a major hub for biotech industries. This will help promote our program to new areas to some.

This resource is available at every college. Our Library services is eager and extremely helpful at assisting our students to find the answers to the questions we pose to them in class. It's important for our students to be life-time learners. A good library full of resources isn't good enough. You need good librarians who know how to help students properly research questions to find feasible and sound solutions.

At number 1, is a group of people that hold a place at our college but do not physically reside or work at the campus. These are our alumni, industry partners, and professional groups. Our partnering hospitals are a critical component to the students final year in training. Our alumni, who now work in those industries, work with our students to complete their training. recently, we've established a charter with a national BMET association. Engineering World Health.