BIOMASS.MARKET™ - A Disruption With a Difference November 2015 | Page 2

INDEX EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................... 3 TWO PROBLEMS - ONE SOLUTIONS ................... 4 No Market for the Farmers No Biomass Supply for the Biorefineries Connecting-The-Dots: From the Field to the Biorefinery 4 4 4 ABOUT BIOMASS.MARKET™ ...................................5 Gamechanger Creation of new (B2B & P2B) markets 5 5 For small and large farmers/foresters 5 Simple, Smart & Secure Disruption with a Difference: Provide information Hands-on support team Building Value Chains for Bioeconomies 5 5 5 5 Call centre (in addition to the Mobile and Desktop Apps) 5 ABOUT THE BUSINESS MODEL & THE TEAM ....6 Focus on: Sustainability 6 6 Socio-economic Impact 6 Millennium Goals 6 New & Fast Growing Markets Experienced Team 6 6 ABOUT GREENENERGYPARK™ BIOREFINERY ....7 Corncobs to Chemicals & Electricity uThukela Project: 5,000 jobs 7 7 7 R350million pa Economy 7 R150million Investment 7 It’s Not Rocket Science 7 BIOMASS.MARKET: TOP TEN 2015 CLEANTECH INNOVATION IN SOUTH AFRICA ............................................................8 DOWNLOADED link for this document: CONFIDENTIALITY This document is confidential and the property of ConnectingTheDots (Pty) Ltd (“CTD”). Disclosure, copying, distribution or reliance on any of it by anyone else without the written permission of CTD is prohibited.