Biology September 2013 | Page 5

Before hearing about behaviour within animals in detail, here is a short example through the behaviour of a wild horse.

Wild horses are shy creatures, whose main defense tactic is to flee. They generally live in small groups called bands, with a dominant stallion leading It is the dominant mare however who leads the band to food and water sources. Despite their shy side, males are very territorial,

and often leave piles of manure to define their territory for rivals. When conflict arrises between stallions, wild horses are often able to sort it thorugh a ritual of snorts and postures. Fighting often does occur, and males need to be wary who they pick a fight with as they regularly sustain injuries. Wild horses display a pawing motion to communicate, digin snow for water, break ice and enlargening water holes. Wid horses have showed the

ability to be taught how to do various commands by humans.

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