Biology genetics | Page 6

Page 6

GMO Continued

Also gmos make the crop taste better, immune to herbicides, immune to diseases, and many other perks. By putting a slice of DNA from the disease in the crop’s DNA, they are immune to the disease. They can also make it so it is toxic to bugs and not humans. This is good because then they can use less pesticides. They can also make the crop taste better which is always good.

GMOs have a bad side as well. Also, there is no guarantee that they will have unknown consequences. Another factor is that they are not that good for you. They cite animal studies showing organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, accelerated aging, and infertility. There are many other health factors such as allergic reactions skyrocketing, but there is no sufficient research that proves this. GMOs also contaminate the ground after they are used. It is pretty much impossible to clean up our gene mess because of the amount it has contaminated the soil.

GMO foods are not too good in some areas, but in others they are a very good way to start jobs, get better tasting food, get more food, and use less herbicides. GMO foods are a revolution in the feeding industry and are being improved on daily.