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GMO Editorial

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GMO’s are genetically modified organisms and they are in almost all of the foods you eat. They are constantly being used by farmers all around the world as a pesticide, a disease repellant, a better taste, and many other things to help farmers grow their food cheaply and easily. GMO foods were first in grocery stores at around 1994. The actual idea of them came from a grad student at Stanford University Medical school in 1973. GMOs are basically just foods with segments of DNA in their DNA from another species. For example, there is a type of corn called sweet corn that is insect resistant and can also tolerate with herbicides. GMO foods can be both good and bad, it is a very arguable subject.

Not only does GMO help the food it helps the community by creating more jobs. The GM soybean crops in Argentina has created over 1 million jobs. Genetically engineering the soybean crops have also made the production speed faster and the need of herbicides at a minimum. Which means the food is cheaper. It is estimated that the consumers of these soybeans have saved over 26 billion USD since the release of the herbicide tolerant crops.

There are many reasons why GM food is a good thing including increased nutrition in food which is needed especially in third-world countries where they lack these nutrients. For example, 14 million children under 5 suffer from vitamin A deficiency which causes childhood blindness so they genetically engineered Golden Rice to have an increased amount of vitamin A so these kids can stay healthy.


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