"At the end of the day, your feet should be
dirty, your hair should be messy and your
eyes sparkling."
As more and more people
began using the term, it
evolved to describe the
gypsy lifestyle rather than
where they come from.
Of course, there aren't many
gypsies left, especially not in
Southern California, so why
do we still hear this term so
The modern bohemian
lifestyle is one filled with
music, art, and literature - a
way of living that embraces
the doctrine of freedom over
The term bohemian can also
be used to describe things
that are cheap,
unconventional, and probably
considered odd by most.
Well, in our time of Facebook
and cronuts, bohemianism is
used to describe those who
live unconventional, artistic
"Soul of a gypsy, spirit of a fairy."
Characteristics of
the Boho Life
You won't find your average
bohemian carrying around
signature bags or the latest
iPhone. Instead, they prefer to
explore our lush planet while free
from the material chains that bind
Most bohemians stray from the
norm when it comes to their
fashion sense. Environmentalism
and anti-establishment ideologies
are also key to the bohemian