The Bohemian Lifestyle
Don't worry
be hippie
In a world of politics, war, and
deadlines, one can't be blamed
for seeking the wonders of
bohemianism. The modern
bohemian lifestyle has gained
popularity simply because it
contradicts everything we
loathe but have learned to
accept over the years.
There are many truths that we
learn as we grow up, but who
wants to live their life like a
Go to school, get an office job,
get rich, then die. That's no way
to experience our planet.
What does it mean
to live a Bohemian
If you have the Queen song in
mind, it's time to give you a
crash course in bohemianism. The
lifestyle includes aspects of
spirituality, ideology, and
The term "Bohemian" was first
used in 19th century in France to
describe the gypsy travelers that
had come there from Bohemia - a
region of the Czech Republic.