John Nash Nick Vujicic
Another example of a celebrity with a
disability who broke the mould is John
Nash, an American mathematician whose
life, marked by acute paranoid
schizophrenia, is known to us thanks to the
film "A Beautiful Mind" Award of his illness,
Nash fought against it and developed a
successful academic career that earned him
the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1994. Nick Vujicic is another world-famous celebrity
with disability, and founder of Life Without
Limbs - an organisation for people with physical
Stephen Hawking He is currently giving motivational talks around
the world, has written several books and is
regular on talk shows and TV programs. He
became very famous when starring in the
touching short film "The Butterfly Circus".
A theoretical physicist astrophysicist,
cosmologist, and eminent scientist, Stephen
Hawking was diagnosed with ALS at age 21;
he was given 2 years to live. He lived until
he was 76 years old.
He had been paralysed from head to toe for
over thirty years and used a voice
synthesiser to be able to communicate, and
a wheelchair that he operated through slight
movements of the head and eyes.
None of this prevented him from developing
his activity as an exemplary researcher and
professor, and intense personal life that
allowed him to make his illness known to
the world.
Becoming one of the most recognisable
celebrities of our time, his story was taken
to the cinema in the film "The Theory of
Vujicic was born in 1982 with no limbs. he
claims that as a child he suffered ridicule and
discrimination, and tried to commit suicide but,
with time, he learned to see his own potential.
Andrea Boccelli
Tenor, musician, writer and musical producer of
Italian origin, Andrea Boccelli has sold more
than 75 million records. He was born with
congenital glaucoma that left him partially blind,
something that did not prevent him from taking
piano lessons until the age of six.
However, at the age 12 he suffered a blow
during a football game that left him completely
blind. Endowed with a spirit of innate
improvement, he decided to focus entirely on
music, specifically on singing. He also studied
Boccelli has received numerous awards of
international prestige and even has a beach
named after him on the Adriatic.