Motivation works better than a sympathy These people are physically challenged but mentally as perfect as any one of us, it's just they want motivation, they can do lot of things which you and I can do but it take time for them to do somethings which we can do it easily. Motivation will give them a confidence to rise up from their disabilities and do something worth which they are capable of. They don't require sympathy, in fact sympathy will constantly make they realize that they are disabled and they are not like any of us. Sympathising with them will make them weaker and that's not good for their future. I know many physically challenged people who are successful in their life and are doing better than any abled person. You have to remember one thing that, so if they don't have something which you have but they have something special which any of us don't have, that's why they are called specially abled. They need opportunities to rise above Our society treats them like they are from a different planet, and that's bad, because they just need acceptance and opportunities to rise above of their disabilities, and once they get it, it's more likely that they can do better than any of the abled people. They are humans, not aliens We need to understand that they are not untouchables, they are humans and they do have feelings, ambitions and dreams like us. and It's our responsibility to help them achieve it, and if not then at least behave like humans with them. Some famous people who rose above disabilities and made their lives successful. If these famous people with disabilities share something, besides their professional success, it is their ability of self-improvement. The lives of most of them have not been easy and precisely because of that, they are an example and inspiration. Frida Kahlo Frida suffered polio during her childhood and, according to some sources, also had spinabifida, which caused dysmetria in her right leg. In addition, her spinal problems were aggravated by an accident suffered in her adolescence, which left her with physical issues for her entire life. Frida spent much of her life in bed suffering from sever pain. Even so, she became one of the most famous artists of all time and an icon of the twentieth century.