Fear is your biggest
When we say, we can't do
something, or you try to run away
from a feared situation then, that
worsens your situation, instead of
solving that problem you try to run
away from it and you lands in to a
bigger problem. So problem is not
your problem but not to solve that
problem out of fear is the main
problem, so fear is your biggest
enemy and not your problems.
Fear blocks your
Fear of defeat of fear of failure, is
the biggest hurdle towards your
progress, and that fear takes over
your mind and sub-conscious
mind so badly that you don't even
try for anything new, and even if
you have start something new,
you tend to give up easily. There
are so many types of fears which
in life you face but most
importantly there are few which is
so strong that we face them in our
everyday routine.
Fear of loosing
Fear hits you in every manner or
rather every steps in your life.
Fear of loosing is, something
which you are scared of loosing
some relation or a person and out
of that fear you try not to hurt
them even if they are wrong, but
by doing that you are harming that
Fear of failure
This is the worst fear ever,
because if you develop this fear
then, you would never ever try for
something new, the fear of failure
will always hinder your progress
and before you start anything, the
negativity in your mind takes over
which is deadly.
Remember no one has ever
succeeded without failing. Never
be afraid of failing because a
successful failure will lead you
towards a successful
achievements. Failing is in a way
good if you want to make it big,
try to find out the reasons of
failure, learn from it and try again
until you get success.
Fear of hate
In a relationships or in any kind of
human relations, when this fear
takes over, you tend to think of
being hated by others, what if
your actions and your words will
make them to hate you. When you
know your are right then you
should not fear, what someone
else will think about you.
Fear of criticism
You cannot satisfy each and
every person on earth, so if you
are doing something, which you
know is right, and may be majority
of people would agree then don't
fear for some criticism too.
People criticise you for many
reasons.. If you are doing
something which they cant do or
understand then they will criticise
you. Some will criticise you out of
jealousy or some will criticise you
because you are ahead of their
time. Whenever any inventions
happened, the entire world have
criticised them because they were
ahead of their time. So don't be
afraid of criticism, learn from it
and progress.