Fear is something we encounter on a frequent basis. We experience it in different ways each and
every day, and we develop different strategies for dealing with this difficult sensation. Fear, anxiety,
doubt, apprehension, panic, unease, worry, they are all interrelated and connected, and it's
essential for individual to identify his/her fears and try to overcome it. When in fear, you only can
help yourself.
What is Fear ?
Fear is what we have inherited from our
previous generations, and it's very subjective
term. Fear can be a relative perception, it is
very much possible that your fears might not
be fears for others and vice-a-versa. So what
is working definition for fear?
Fear is a feeling and a experience, good or
bad, but it is most likely bad, once you get
bad or any shocking feelings from
something, your brain develops fear, and
that makes your brain to develop anxiety,
stress and uncomfortableness, and when you
develop fear for any particular thing then you
try to run away or avoid doing that.