Riding has also been proven to make positive difference for individuals suffering from Type 2 diabetes or weak knees. The exercise one gets from riding impacts body chemistry, decreasing insulin use. This increase in insulin sensitivity also tells your body to store less fat, which can help you make significant strides with weight loss goals. As true of any other form of exercise, no one is claiming riding is a cure for diabetes. Nonetheless, it can help! As a result of the intense use of thigh muscles in motorcycling, riders end up with stronger knees and become less susceptible to knee injuries. So next time you get sick of the daily treadmill grind or solving tedious puzzels to keep your mind running strong or if just don't have time for any extra personal maintenance in your day, change things up! Try getting that mental and physical fitness in by doing something you already love - like motorcycling. article resourced by Vinod Rawat from