BC: Regarding those who don't practice
what do you feel about them? Do you
encourage it? Are you ATGATT rider? &
What do you think about safety measures?
VR: I suggest them to wear all the gears,
whether you are riding 50kms or 500 kms,
You have to remember one thing, that you
are riding a machine on road and if God
forbid anything happens on the road the it's
the only gears which can save you from the
major injuries. So I do suggest all that
please wear gears while riding, because
safety comes first and have
some responsibilities towards your family
members that they are waiting for you back
home. I am ATGATT rider and I con't ride
without my gears.
BC: But riding gears are very costly..
VR: Is there anything more than life?
So life is more precious than anything else.
BC: Have you ever rode to any bike events?
Which is your favourite and why?
VR: I love Rider Mania, I have been rode to
so many events, But in RM, you get to meet
so many riders from across the country. And
I love bike events.
BC: When do you think you will stop riding?
VR: I don't think so I will ever stop riding.
BC: Any piece of advice do you wanna give
it to other riders who are starting out riding?
VR: What kind of of advice I would give..
Hahaha.. In fact new generation is much
more advance than us in riding..
BC: But experience counts.. isn't it? You
have rode to all type of terrains, which they
have probably not then, what do you want to
say about it?
VR: I just want to say that have patience in
whatever ride you are doing, and don't go
for proving your ride to anyone, but have
safe rides and keep the spirit Onnn..
because everyone goes through a different
experience altogether and it's very
subjective. So just wanna say one thing,
Ride Safe, Ride Hard and don't give up.
BC: We know it's really painful topic to
revisit but have you ever gone down? Any
accidents in riding till yet?
VR: There are many accidents I have been
through, but to tell you once I was going to
IDBI bank where I used to work, so from
thane to vashi in navi mumbai, I met an
BC: When you are out for LDR, how do you
accident with Tata Sumo, luckily nothing
manage your home?
happened to me but when my boss came to
VR: Ride is never planned over night, so we
know about it, he told me no matter what
plan for long distance ride long before we hit how much late you come to office but don't
on the road, so we always manage
risk it on the roads, I told him clients were
everything before rides only. But yes
waiting for me, he said clients can wait but
sometimes budget goes hey-wire but that
life can't, so be careful on roads.
much we can manage.
THERE WAS another accident in Leh, while I
was riding in the morning around 7:00 am
with a speed of around 100 kmph, and I had
to take right turn at one junction and that
road where I was heading was one way, so I
was on correct way but there was one Maruti
Omni came in front of me from nowhere and
he was driving on the wrong side and
banged me, again luckily nothing happened
to me but my bike's front tyre rim got
slightly bend, but the omni windshield got
damaged and his car's front bumper got
damaged. He fought with me and he was
local guy, so soon police came and started
threatening me and finally told me to settle.
With God's grace there was a garage near by
so we went there and the owner who came
little late while we waited for couple of
hours, his name was Mr. Manish, and he was
so cooperative, that he shouted at that Omni
guy and told him that you are wrong, and
when he realized that I am disabled, so took
care of my bike and his car too, and he
didn't even charge anything from me, and
told me to go and complete your ride, but on
my insist, he told me the expenditure was
6000 RS, he said you don't have to pay me
now, wherever you think you have money
and you want to pay me then transfer it in
my account. He gave me his account details
and as I reached back Mumbai I immediately
transferred money in his account. Yes shit
happens on the road but sometimes people
are very cooperative, and me and Manish
bhai is till in touch, whenever I go Leh-
Ladakh, I make a point to visit him once.