SOCIETY AND A SINGLE MOM BEING A SINGLE MOM REQUIRES COURAGE AND NOT SYMPATHY What is marriage? Why marriages fails? Impact on both Marriage is an purest institution where two people gives commitment to each other for a lifetime bonding, and its not just only about two people, its about two families which comes together for a lifetime relationships. Love and Trust are two pillars of marriage. Love and Trust are the only two emotions which drives the marriage, and creates the lineage. So it is very important to have these two emotions in any married life to get success. When the two pillars of any marriage shatters then marriages fails. There are so many factors behind this but when the Love and Trust breaks then doubt arises, doubt brings many misunderstandings and quarrels, quarrels brings lack of communication, and as human nature works - cheating happens and the game is over, marriage ends there with mutual divorce or with long fighting in the court. This are the basic reasons why marriage fails. Doesn't matter you did love marriage or arrange marriage, when it ends, it impacts on both individuals but especially more on woman and the worse part is the children, they are very innocent to understand this if they are small. You know we humans have tendency of not appreciating the things when we have it but when its gone, we miss it and this is fact in marriages as well, when we are separated we miss the good moments of the marriage, in initial days we run through all the moments of our past and