Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn't
know you had, and dealing with fears you didn't know
It's seeing them cry and not
knowing how to fix it, so you
sit on the floor and hold them
and cry right along beside
them. It's teaching them that
they are smart, capable,
funny and giving them the
security to do great things,
It's building their self-
esteem, supporting their
dreams and loving them
unconditionally. It's letting
them go, letting them fail and
teaching them how to get
back up. It's going without so
that they don't have to, and
being OK with it.
Being a mother is a gift
that is unimaginable to any
woman who does not have
a child in their life. It's a
connection that is
unmatched and
insurmountable in any form
or other relationship. It's a
love that grows continually,
a love that always wants
more and better. It's being
terrified that you can't
prevent pain, injustice,
heartbreak and at times
even death. It's laughing
Becoming a
mother makes
you realize you
can do almost