We are not fully awake and not asleep, at that
moment the last few sequences of your dreams
you will remember and when you proceed with
your day, your mind forgets it gradually).
We say our dreams is nothing but things what
we think about the most, or fear or anything..
Yes this is partially true, when we think on
something too much then, we tend to activate
that part of our brains temporarily, and that
comes as a dream mixed with other images of
our memories which our sub-conscious mind
How we can live a
conscious life?
It's very important to live in a conscious state of
mind, I say it's though to achieve but not
impossible. Whatever you do, do it with a
consciousness. So how do we do that?
Take a self walk talk
It's very important to talk to yourself, try to
understand who you really are? What you want?
Before you do anything just take out 2 to 3
minutes, aloof yourself somewhere and ask
yourself about the stuff you are going to do.
Initially you would require to aloof yourself from
the crowd but once you are habituated then you
can do this without going aloof.
"Control of Consciousness
Determines The Quality of Life."
Listen to your inner voice
This is very important, once you started asking yourself
about whatever you are doing, just remember our sub-
conscious mind knows everything, right or wrong and
whatever, the moment you begin to talk with yourself, you
will start getting the answers, which is your inner voice, trust
that voice, analyse that answer, apply your logic on it and do
your work.
Do meditation for at least 5 minutes in a day
Meditation works like a magic to walk towards
consciousness, our brain is filled up with so many thoughts
and so many activities that we fail to prioritise what is more
important to us? and usually we start thinking about
something and we end up doing something else.