What is sub- consciousness? How sub-conscious mind works? State of sub-consciousness is nothing but a in-between state of conscious and unconscious state, and yet very powerful after conscious state of mind In our conscious or unconscious state of mind, whatever we do, see, hear, speak is being stored as a memory with very minute details in our brains unused parts, I can't say unused, but less used parts. Sub-conscious mind is nothing but a memories which one has gathered during his life span or previous life consciously or unconsciously which is stored in our brains cells or tissues in a sleeping state. Why sub-conscious mind is powerful? Our body holds lot of memory, which is made with atoms and cells, and living bacterias, which stores everything, what we see hear or speak. It is like a cache file of a computer, which stores everything when you browse on the internet, but more powerful than the computer. And the sub- conscious mind has an access of all the memories which we have stored in our brains and body. It segregates everything and stores with a minute details, like second to second details. for eg. When we are talking on phone, then our mind is busy with talking but our sub-conscious mind storing the details of what is happening in your surroundings that how many people have passed by you? How many cars have passed through you, of what colour and what was their registration number, who was driving that car, and the details of that driver, also it stores the sound of everything, be it car, or some one's talk or any sound of bird or animal, everything in a minute to minute details. Usually sub-conscious mind works when we are in a sleep mode. So in fact we can say our sub- conscious mind knows everything, it's just it has been stored in some part of our brains which actually we don't even try to access but if you try to access through meditation of by achieving the state of consciousness then you actually know everything. How Dream works? While the sub-conscious mind is busy segregating the memories, it projects some images and memories in our active unconscious mind (i.e. when we are sleeping) and that's how we see the dreams. Why we forget our dreams when we wake up? Dream is nothing but the memories which our sub- conscious mind projects while we are sleeping, but you can say it's a bug in the software that when we wake up (in that state where-