BC: Any new long distance ride are you
planning ?
BV: We are again planning for Leh-Ladakh this
BC: What do you prefer SOLO ride or GROUP
ride ? Why ?
BV: As i mentioned I am founding member of "
Knight Riderz Riding Club, Pune". We go with
the club. Though I have done SOLO riding but
we encourage more riders to understand & do
proper riding. Many new riders wants to ride to
Mekkah-Madina of bikers i.e Leh-Ladakh, hence
we take them for long rides with us.
BC: Most memorable ride till date and why ?
Who was with you at that time ?
BV: All long rides are memorable like Leh-
Ladakh, Bhutan, Spiti-Killar Kishtwar. But I
would name Bhutan as I did SOLO while my
return to Pune.
BC: Would you ride a different type of bike, i.e
Cruiser if you have a Sport bike or Sport bike if
you have a Cruiser ?
BV: I am a cruiser biker. My current Thunderbird
500cc also has been customized into a proper
cruiser bike however I may like to ride Honda
Goldwing or Indian Roadmaster.
BC: If you have to pick one protective gear
before hitting on the road, what would it be ?
Jacket, Helmet, Glove..?
BV: All. We never ride a bike without gears if it's
a proper outside city ride. For City rides we just
go with Helmet & Gloves.
BC: What's your dream bike and or next bike ?
BV: My dream bike is Indian Roadmaster.
BC: What type of rider do you think you are ?
(Aggressive, Conservative, Point A-B) please
BV: I think I am a combination of both -
aggressive as well as conservative. Aggressive
because on long rides I like speed and try to
cover more miles; Conservative because I like
to enjoy riding, in case if there is a decided
route, I like to stick to the route & reach end
point.. I do not want to deviate from the decided
BC: What made you want to ride and commit
to the motorcycle lifestyle ? Any regrets ?
BV: I have no regrets at all. Trying to do biking
till my health & age permits.. I think I am more
adaptive hence I think I am addictive to
motorcycle lifestyle. I can balance between
my corporate, home & motorcycle lifestyle.
And I am able to because this is my passion. I
live in current.. I do not think of future.
BC: Do you think Riding Motorcycle brings
fame ?
BV: Personally I ride because I love riding.
You get free of all stress & boring life. I do not
think one should ride thinking that it brings
fame. If one rides with this thinking then I
think he / she should stop riding, he / she is
not a rider according to me.