ISSUE 12 | DECEMBER 2019 BIKERS CLUB ® | MAGAZINE | PAGE 59 I couldn't do anything for those women and girls but feel pity for them and remember the word of that lady who said "ma'am we are not gifted like you." "Somewhere I feel lucky and proud that I am from a state where I can take my own decisions and live my life on my own terms." I just feel and want to say one thing that although technology and world has emerged as global and women across the world are doing and achieving wonders. With proud I can say that women now are no less than men. But still in India in some states and places women are forced stay in 15th century. "May God bless these women and girls and give some wisdom their men and brothers, so that they also can fulfil their dreams and desires. B I K E R S C L U B ® | by Nirmali Nath and covered by bikers club ®