BC: When you are out for ride (LDR), how do you manage
your home?
PS: Ha Ha Ha it's the toughest one, I have to balance my
family by taking them to a vacation & then I reveal my ride
plans in those vacation trips so they can't deny my ride
plans. Trust me it works..
BC: OHH !!! that's a great tip you gave.. All the married riders
and our readers, you should try this tricks.
BC: When do you think you'll stop riding? Anytime soon?
PS: I will keep riding till my last breath.
BC: Any piece of advice do you want to give it to other riders
who are starting out riding.
PS: my advice will be ride like a PRO (in terms of safety) &
enjoy each & every moment of riding like a Novice.
BC: We know it's really a painful topic to revisit, but have you
ever gone down? Any accidents?
PS: BY God's grace I never met with accidents till date but
escaped thrice.
BC: Anything else you'd still to do on a bike? Like a riders
bucket list? Any dream rides?
PS: Yes, Of course there are many bucket list rides to
achieve, one of them is exploring the south India which I will
be doing soon.
BC: In one line, If you want to say or quote about Riding
PS: Ride Safe, Ride Dabake.
BC: Last but not the least, what do you think about Bikers
PS: Every biker must follow BIKERS CLUB app & the
magazine. The founder Mr Rahul Mehta is doing a
tremendous job to make it more and more user friendly &
enjoyable as well.
BIKERS CLUB: Thanks Praveen for sharing and giving us
your time and views on biking. We wish you lots of
adventurous & fun rides 2019 & hope you ride your dream
routes soon.
PRAVEEN SAHU: Thank you BIKERS CLUB for having me on
your magazine cover and inside.
+ Keep riding with bikersclubapp