BC: Do you know any bikerni (female rider)? What suggestions do you wanna give it to them? PS: I know quite a few bikernis in the riding fraternity. I want to suggest them to be safe & ride safe & I wish them to fulfil their dreams beyond their restrictions. BC: "Bikers Brotherhood or Sisterhood" do you believe in this most used and famous words in bikers community? PS: Absolutely yes! Because of it only I'm standing here. BC: According to you, what's the difference between commuters and riders, as they both ride motorcycles? PS: As per me, commuter rides to earn their bread but a rider rides to fulfil his passion. BC: OHH!! that's a super answer..!!! BC: Do you have any goals in biking? If yes then share. PS: Ultimately the goal of every biker is to be HAPPY whenever he rides & I wish may God keep me HAPPY lifelong. BC: Do you think Riding Motorcycle has an advantage over the cagers (car commuters)? PS: Yes, as there is a saying that "2 wheels moves the soul & 4 wheels moves the body". Ride Safe.. Ride Dabake.. - PRAVEEN SAHU BC: Have you came across any wanna be riders? PS: Yes & they taught me many things in different ways. BC: Have you ever come across to any girl or woman who wants to learn geared bikes and join bikers community? PS: Yes, my better half, my wife Prapti J. BC: What do you feel or say about those girls or women who wants to become a rider? PS: being a biker I will always appreciate & support their willingness towards the passion of riding. BC: Do you feel, a female rider faces more challenges in riding than a male riders? Why? PS: NO, I suppose if they good knowledge about the condition of their bikes & routes, male & female doesn't matter. BC: Riding or OFF road riding, what do you enjoy the most? PS: both to the fullest. BC: What advice do you wish you knew, when you first started out riding? PS: That once we start riding it becomes an addiction. BC: We have observed, Families of riders always fears for their sons or daughters when they go for LDR. What you have to say about this? PS: every family is concerned about their loved ones. even I would be worried when my kids will be on the road one day. BC: Regarding those who don't practice ATGATT (ALL THE GEARS ALL THE TIME), what do you feel about them? Do you encourage it? What do you think about safety measures? PS: no, I never. It's all about the life on a road. A biker should know minimum parameters of safety when he is going to ride. I am ATGATT rider. BC: Have you ever rode to any bike events? which is your favourite event? Why? PS: Yes, I have been to many bike events but the most favourite of all will be the combined anniversary celebration of WANDERERS & UNIDO. We call this duo as UNIWANDERERS.