3. Core & Neck Strength 4. No more Squats
The day after their first long Riding motorcycle requires
ride, many motorcyclist you to constantly move
report the same aches and around on the bike, gripping
pain - muscles in our necks with your thighs and knees.
are always at the top of the These movements
list. Wearing a helmet for a strengthen your thighs and
few hours a day would in turn, strengthen your
strengthen your neck knees.
regardless, throw wind blast
into the equation and The Muscles in the thighs
you've got a real neck are used to keep the patella
workout. This is especially and other bones in the knee
true for those who ride in place. Since the
without a windshield. movements are low-impact,
people who suffer knee or
You still need to make sure thigh pains describe riding
your motorcycle fits you a motorcycle as a kind of
correctly, as constantly physical therapy.
cranking or straining your
neck will have a negative For those lucky enough not
impact in the long run. This to have those problems,
means checking the riding can help you stay
handlebars, seating injury free.
position and foot pegs are
right for your
measurements. Riding a
motorcycle requires lots of
muscles to work together
but your core ties
everything together.
Every manoeuvre you make
on a motorcycle involves
the use of your core,
especially low-speed
manoeuvres. The
movements are low-impact
and relatively low intensity
so it's something you may
not notice but, if you've
been riding for a while, your
core will be stronger.
5. Burn Some Calories
Yes, you can burn a
substantial number of
calories while a riding a
motorcycle - the gift that
just keeps giving.
Those who like to get dirty
can burn up to 600 calories
per hour of intense
motocross riding. Stick to
the streets and you can
burn between 200-300
calories per hour,
especially if you ride with
some vigour.
Even pillions on sport bikes can
burn up to 50 calories per hour.
But, unfortunately, pillions on
cruisers and tourers aren't likely to
see their calorie expenditure go up.
article by Bharat Vatsa