BIG LIFE Magazine BIG LIFE Magazine Edition N°6 - June | Page 43

NO HAY PREMIO ECONÓMICO PARA LOS GANADORES, PERO VER TU NOMBRE GRABADO EN UNO DE LOS ANILLOS DE PLATA DEL TROFEO VOLVO OCEAN RACE, NO TIENE PRECIO. There is no economic prize for the winners, but having your name engraved on one of the trophy´s silver rings is priceless. ESTA COMPETENCIA ESTÁ EN LA INTERSECCIÓN EXACTA ENTRE LA AVENTURA HUMANA Y LA COMPETICIÓN PURA Y DURA. UN RETO ABSOLUTO, FÍSICO Y MENTAL. This competition is a perfect crossing between human adventure and extreme competition. A total challenge physically and mentally. support role between stages caring for the sailors and ship. This is a task where each element is an essential part of a whole. The sportsmanship in this competition lies in the equality of conditions. All teams sail identical ships built by the organi- zation in distinct parts of the planet: the hull in Italy, the deck in France, the rigging in England and New Zealand, part of the sails in Spain… It is the crew what makes the difference.Today, the race is a well-oiled machine with millions of cor- porate dollars flowing through it that has nearly doubled its duration. Reporters on board docu- ment every day, allowing fans to practically watch the broadcast live in social networks and observe what it means to live on the edge on board. Every sailor, no matter how prepared and experienced, at some point comes to ask himself: What am I doing here? Is glory worth spending months on board a 23-meter long vessel? The answer is always yes. There are strenuous sports and then there's the Volvo Ocean Race. 41