Big Ideas | Page 76

SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING PRACTICES SAMPLE STUDENT ENGAGEMENT, GRADES 9–12 Analyzing and Using a spreadsheet program or other tool, graph data showing energy production and energy consumption in the United States by source, as well as energy imports and exports. For example, see “Annual Energy Review” data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration, What conclusions can you draw from the graphs? Interpreting Data CROSSCUTTING CONCEPTS SAMPLE STUDENT ENGAGEMENT, GRADES 9–12 Scale, Proportion, Examine graphics of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission’s water, power, and sewer systems, and research how many miles of pipes convey water from Hetch Hetchy reservoir to users around the Bay Area, including within San Francisco. Charts of the water and power systems are available at and Using these and additional resources, compare the volume of water and quantity of power produced by each source, and the approximate distance from each source to the final destination. and Quantity Energy and Matter 76 Research the California Independent Service Operator (ISO), which manages the state’s electric power grid. Find out why electricity supply and demand must be continually balanced, and what challenges that creates for the ISO as well as for energy providers and consumers. BIG IDEAS | Grades 9–12 | SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION