Big Ideas | Page 53

Key Concepts • The hydrologic cycle is the sequence by which water moves between the atmosphere and Earth’s surface: water falls to the land as precipitation; is absorbed or runs off to rivers, streams, and eventually the ocean; and then returns to the atmosphere as evaporation. • A watershed is an area of land that water flows over or through on its way to a larger body of water. The Bay Area is made up of several watersheds, one of which takes water flowing from the Sierra Nevada mountain range to the Pacific Ocean through a vast system of pipes, pumps, and tunnels. • Only a small fraction of freshwater is available for human consumption. In California, which is prone to a dry climate and drought years, water is a particularly limited resource. (From NGSS ESS3.A) • One source of renewable power comes from harnessing the energy of moving water and converting it into electricity. This is called hydroelectric power. • Other power sources include solar energy, wind energy, and the burning of fossil fuels that were formed from the remains of once-living organisms. BIG IDEAS | Grades 6–8 | SAN FRANCISCO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 53