BGSU Classroom Technology E-Magazine BGSU eMag EDTL6340 | Page 27

Meeting the Challenges

Parents have challenges ahead as AI continues to change how students are presented with their various lessons in school . Parents don ’ t have to face these challenges alone . Teachers are looking for parents to support these changes and are willing to help them do so . It is important that teachers and parents work together to teach digital citizenship , which will help students with any AI resources . It is particularly important because “ Kids also don ’ t realize how data collected about them now may influence things like jobs , insurance rates or mortgages for years to come .” ( Fisher-Tully , 2023 ) So , being a mindful digital citizen will benefit students now and in the future . Parents and teachers will also need to help students switch from a grade mindset to a mastery mindset . “ Research has shown that when more attention is paid to the value of the content and the learning process over grades , rates of plagiarism drop .”( Fisher-Tully , 2023 ) When parents and teachers work together to help students become good digital citizens , they will all reap the benefits that AI can bring to the classroom .
Alston Ghafourifar , E . ( 2017 , March 12 ). Why parents might not be ready for AI in the classroom . VentureBeat . https :// venturebeat . com / ai / why-parentsmight-not-be-ready-for-ai-in-the-classroom /
BUCKENTIN , J . ( 2023 , May 10 ). You , your Kids & School : What parents need to know about ai . Hutchinson Leader . com . https :// www . crowrivermedia . com / hutchinsonleader / news / opinion / columnists / you-your-kids-school-what-parents-need-to-know-aboutai / article _ 0c393808-eaa0-11ed-9d6f-3bfca30de315 . html
Fisher-Tully , C . ( 2023 , February 23 ). Parenting in a world of AI and Chatgpt - Parentscanada - Canada ’ s leading parenting website . ParentsCanada . https :// www . parentscanada . com / school / parenting-in-a-world-of-ai-and-chatgpt /
Vasoya , N . H . ( 2023 ). The role of parents and educators in managing the risks of Artificial Intelligence . Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies , 41 ( 4 ), 1 – 5 . https :// doi . org / 10.9734 / ajess / 2023 / v41i4899