BGSU Classroom Technology E-Magazine BGSU eMag EDTL6340 | Page 26

influence your shopping trips . In this day and age , we need to be diligent in protecting ourselves and our loved ones when using technology . So , start the conversations at home with your children about technology concerns .

Need for Digital Citizenship

As mentioned earlier , one of the best ways for a parent to support the use of AI resources in their child ’ s classroom , is to help their child differentiate between right and wrong ways to use those tools . This is commonly referred to as “ Digital Citizenship .” Of course , helping their kids be good digital citizens will look slightly different at each stage of learning . J . Bucketein offers a great general approach to keep in mind as parents work with children on this important task , “ To prepare children for the world of AI , parents can start by discussing what AI is and is not , encouraging children to ask questions and share areas in their lives where chatbots are in use . By opening up a dialogue about AI , children will be more likely to approach parents with questions and concerns as technology advances . It ' s also important to discuss the pros and cons of AI usage and emphasize responsibility . Parents can teach children to be aware of the information they share online , as well as the potential good and bad of AI usage .” ( BUCKENTIN , 2023 ) So as we welcome AI into our homes , we as parents need to prepare students for the classroom by having those conversations with our students about how technology should be used in and out of the classroom .

Changing Focus

As parents learn to work with and welcome AI into their child ’ s classroom , there is another challenge that they will face , and that is a paradigm shift in the focus that determines how their student moves to the next topic or next level . We have already witnessed that not all students grasp concepts at the same pace . For years teachers and schools have
been working to “ differentiate ” lessons . The goal is that students who work at a different pace , whether faster or slower than the majority of their peers , will have learning presented to them at a pace they can fully understand the material and be challenged , not bored . “ Artificial intelligence offers an alternative for these children in the form of personalized learning systems that adjust lessons , reviews , and activities based on individual skill levels and strengths . The technology ’ s adaptive customization around individual capabilities also offers the opportunity for students to advance at the pace most appropriate for them .”( Alston Ghafourifar , 2017 ) With a more tailored approach to lessons , students will not move at the group pace that we currently see in many classrooms . Parents will need to shift from focusing on grades to the importance of learning and mastery of topics and help their children do the same .