BGSU Classroom Technology E-Magazine BGSU eMag EDTL6340 | Page 23


By : Andrew Davis

“ But , I ’ m just not creative ”... As educators , we have heard this excuse time and time again . However , the days of accepting the excuses from students have come and gone . In a world of artificial intelligence ( AI ), we are no longer limited in our imaginative or creative pursuits . In fact , generative AI is revolutionizing the way we think and what we create , and expanding the realm of possibilities for digital creators .


Despite the concepts of AI being traced back to the 1960s , the evolution and adoption process has taken some time to develop . Some of the earliest critics have remained skeptical , whereas others have quickly realized the transformative potential of AI . Through the years , as AI has developed , so has the focus . In the beginning , AI was largely tasked with solving advanced problems through machine learning and computer algorithms . With advancements in technology , coupled with increased interest and funding , artificial intelligence is no longer singularly focused , and its capabilities are ever-growing . In recent years we have seen another transition from conversational to generative AI . This monumental shift has opened the door for those in graphic design and paved the way for this new era of AI . Sounds cool , right ? But how does it work ?


Generative AI , though largely complex , can be simply described as computer learning that produces NEW content . This content can be in the form of text , images , music , videos , and more . Using algorithms and advanced networks , computers are able to analyze user command prompts along with pre-existing data to produce entirely NEW content .