BGSU Classroom Technology E-Magazine BGSU eMag EDTL6340 | Page 21

Savannah Keller and Tiffany Klinger

AI in Elementary Education

Artificial intelligence isn ’ t going anywhere anytime soon and it will soon be more advanced . Children younger and younger are beginning to have more access to AI with the different tablet apps and toys that are now available . It ’ s important that our elementary students are aware of how to use AI in the classroom . Students who have used AI robots have improved their literacy skills . Not only have students who used AI improved their literacy skills but they have also improved their conceptual thinking by using coding or programming apps . There are many benefits to having AI in the classroom but what exactly does AI look like in an Elementary School and what are some tools that could be used ?
Current AI In Elementary Schools
Artificial Intelligence for students looks very different depending on the student ’ s grade level . Regardless of students being in the same elementary school , students in grades K-2 are going to be on a different AI path compared to students in grade 3-5 . AI in K-2 is simply just getting the students to recognize and begin to engage with AI programs such as Siri and Alexa / Whereas AI in grades 3-5 is going to focus more on explaining and creating things using different AI programs such as Scratch or CalysoAI .
Cozmo Robots
Cozmo Robot is an educational real-life robot that has a one-of-a-kind personality . This allows elementary students to be able to get into the idea of programming . Students are able to use an app to control Cozmo ’ s movements , voice , emotions , and more by creating the code in the app . Cozmo can be a gaming partner that allows students to work on speed and skill . Cozmo Code Lab and Cozmo Perform allow students to control their Cozmo . Explore mode allows students to be able to explore the world and see the environment . The last thing that Cozmo can allow students to do is to interact with you and be able to recognize your face and even your pets .