BGSU Classroom Technology E-Magazine BGSU eMag EDTL6340 | Page 13

The Role of AI in Education Continued ........

AI in a Mathematics Classroom

There are many students who , if you ask , will say they are not math people . They say math is too hard or that it is not something that they are going to use again . But when we can bring in real-life experiences and use a problem-based learning approach , that could change this mindset . Teachers can use AI to come up with problem ideas , a way to create groups , and provide performance analytics from the end result .
As a teacher , have you ever forgotten to pass out your manipulatives for the day and know that if you start passing them out when students are there , it will take up a majority of your lesson ? This is an area in which AI can help cut down on prep time and be helpful in a pitch . AI can provide online manipulatives that your students or you can use to solve different math concepts . They allow those manipulatives to be at their fingertips and available to use anywhere . Some great virtual manipulatives to check out are Toy Theater , Math Playground , Illuminations , Etc .
We can also use AI to be another tutor ' s assistance . It cannot be the sole tutor system but can be another resource to use with our students . An AI tutor can be available 24 / 7 to answer questions that might be simple or to guide a student if they are having trouble coming up with the right steps . An AI tutor can also analyze common errors students might make . This tool would be a great support when students are working on homework or projects or when they are assigned independent work .


Across the curriculum , AI can have its benefits and its downfalls when aiding a teacher and students in the classroom . AI can be used in all content areas across education . The ways that AI can be used are really endless . AI can be used to adjust instruction to meet all learners ' needs and give students the tools they need to succeed . AI is going to be an important resource with the constant changing of education . It will help teachers grow and constantly be able to provide their students with the best technology to help them to reach their full potential . It should be something that teachers should further explore and start to become more comfortable with . For more information , click on the image to the right .