BGSU Classroom Technology E-Mag Fall 2017 | Page 21

Making up for Lost Time

What I found most interesting after a 5-week unit of this study is that classes got used to it and performed how they normally would in the general face to face class. I would never do a complete online class unless it was needed to catch up. The students who struggle during face to face classes also struggled being in the online instruction class. These students scored dipped more than usual and I think they missed having the visual and verbal examples that I would do while explaining an assignment.

In conclusion, using a blended format of myself teaching while students are working together or individually online has proved to be the most successful way of learning for all types of learners and achievers. This research and implementation was beneficial to me because I know that I can use this in the future when I know ahead of time that I will be missing a class with students. Research is very scarce on this topic at the elementary level and further studies need to be done on e-Learning in the younger grades.