BGSU Classroom Technology E-Mag Fall 2017 | Page 20

My project is all about finding a way to make up for the loss of class time with student’s due to many reasons in my K-6 technology class. Students miss my class because of sickness, holiday, shortened week, professional development, assemblies, delays, and cancellations. When I am only given 40 minutes of class time per week and there is a multitude of reasons for missing students or an entire class as general the students are being impacted greatly. We do many assignments that are interdisciplinary thanks to Google classroom, it is an easy way for classes and teachers to share assignments and communicate.

Although we do assignments through Google classroom I usually explain the directions, my expectations, and show an example of how to complete each assignment. With this study, I put all of this info online in my 6th grade Google classroom page and the students had to read the information by themselves. I wanted it to feel like they were at home or in another class catching up on work for my technology class. Verbally I didn’t instruct the classes as they came in because they were trained where and how to find the information online and to complete it as if I wasn’t available for help.

By:Colin Jarvis