BFIS GAZETTE issue 1 | Page 41

  Modern Social Media and Technology Affecting Teens    Technology is often seen as an easy and efficient way to communicate with  people all over the world. What differs throughout is what perspective it is being  viewed from; whether it is a young kid hoping to get a phone, or a parent trying to  control the screen time of their teens phones. Throughout this article, I will elaborate  on how social media platforms affect the minds of growing kids as well as how this  can lead to other, more extreme cases like depression and self harm.   Field observations​ are a method where you ​ observe​ people in 'real' locations  and situations, such as in the workplace or at home. The observations in this article  are ones from observing how social media affects different students throughout  school.    Social media and new technology has made a large impact on the majority of  kids and adults all over world, changing several lifestyles. People wonder whether this  change is for the good or bad. Studies show that popular technologies over the next  ten years are likely to have a significant quantitative and qualitative impact on work  as well as employment at both the personal and the societal level. Many articles and  newsletters agree that throughout the next few years, jobs that are routine or  repetitive such as bus/cargo drivers or cashiers will be replaced by technology. Will