BeYOUtiful 1 | Page 5

If stress is an issue for you, you can try to get more hours of sleep, or meditating to clear your mind and breathing deeply. If eating healthy is where you think you could focus, you can try to eat more fruits and vegetables, or focus on cutting down junk food. You don't have to stop completely but you can start first my changing bad habits. For example, changing Pringles into organic sweet potato chips with low sodium quantities. If you find you are the type of person that lays on the couch all day and watches TV, which I'm sure we can all somehow relate to, then you should try exercising or riding your bike outside.


Although it can be tempting to meet the media’s expectation of perfect while doing unhealthy things for your body, the only way to be the best you can be is to treat your body right by being the healthiest you can be.

We have come to the conclusion that we’re all making healthy living too hard. No grains, no dairy, no meat, no sugar, no…no…no. Run more, run less, do high intensity, do low heart rate. No wonder so many people throw their hands up and quit before they’ve even started! The media and this definition of healthy living are confusing everyone.

We need to realize that we are becoming unhealthy because we go along with the idea that it’s hard to get healthy. But the truth is that it’s not hard at all. We are all caught up in the illusion that there is this perfect diet or perfect workout. There isn’t. Any small change you make, will contribute a massive change to your lifestyle. We all have to be willing to experiment to find what works.

This is not to say that eating clean and sweating daily is easy. We believe that the issue here is that we’ve created the fact that PERFECTION is required to be healthy. No one runs a marathon the first day they hit the streets…they do it by adding 1 mile at a time. Getting healthy, losing weight, feeling happier, they all require the same incremental progress approach. Stop looking for the easy way out and stop making it so hard.