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Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder that initiates individuals to focus on their appearance and causes them to starve themselves because of a fear of gaining weight. Unfortunately, if continued long enough it becomes an addiction and leads to people not eating for very long periods of time. One has a distorted view of themselves, which stops them from being able to control this. As one becomes anorexic, they become drastically underweight, although view themselves as severely overweight. People with anorexia nervosa try to keep their weight way below the normal mass for their age and height. People with anorexia tend to deny that they have this in the first place, but the truth is that it is extremely serious and potentially lethal if not treated. In order to stop weight gain or to lose weight, people with anorexia nervosa may starve themselves or over exercise.

Please help get this load off her mind! Lets put an end to anorexia!