beyond architecture magazine | Page 13

t Page | 11 BERNARD TSCHUMI Manhattan Transcripts In Lacan’s theory, there are personal identity, social identity and unconscious. According to this trilogy, we have both our desires and the society around us so we have “ego” but we are restricted by norms and our socially constructed identity. He implies “city” by using the phrase “social identity” here. If we look for a clue in his works which reflects the “desire”, we can say that “Manhattan Transcripts” is a good example because we can see his advocacy of the “event architecture” by considering the notion of “desire”. In his work, Tschumi utilizes the photographs and drawings and some juxtapositions in order to tell the experiences themselves because it is hard to understand to just look at the drawings; we should understand and feel the experience there. He has photographs of soldiers, skaters, football players and on the other side, he has traces of the movements of them. He somehow juxtapositions them in order to produce event architecture disregarding the programs of the places themselves. Each movement creates its own time and space. BEYOND ARCHITECTURE | SUMMER 2015 | ISSUE 1