beyond architecture magazine | Page 12

t Page | 10 BERNARD TSCHUMI Manhattan Transcripts Micheal Hays talks about Bernard Tschumi’s notion of “desire” and declares that Tshumi interrogates that if we produce architecture through the reality or through our senses. Tschumi believes that the thing which seduces us is our senses and we are restricted in terms of perception; it is not like the reality itself. Desire is what puts us forward to explore or imagine more. That’s why he advocates the production of architecture through our senses. According to Tschumi, the experience of a space is more important than the drawings of a space; we should explore and experience to have a better understanding of the space. We always have a desire to see, to hear or to touch to understand the environment around us. Tschumi is influenced by Lacan’s psycho-analytical theory and he gets help from the theory to produce architecture. __________________________ Tschumi, Bernard. ‘Spacing’, pp. 135-170, in Architecture’s Desire: Reading the Late AvantGarde. Micheal Hays. (Cambridge Mass.: The MIT Press, 2010) BEYOND ARCHITECTURE | SUMMER 2015 | ISSUE 1