They visited Pompeii , Herculaneam , Naples and the Amalfi Coast . “ The trip was a great success ,” said Mr Lewis , the trip organiser . “ The boys had a learning experience that was impossible to recreate in a classroom .”
Generally , overseas trips are more commonplace in the Sixth Form , with students often fundraising to help pay for the cost of travel . In recent years Sixth Formers have travelled to China , New York City and Mumbai . Every February the ICT department takes a group of students to Paris , a trip that includes a visit to Disneyland to learn about the computer systems that control the rides at the park , as well as sightseeing in Paris . A group of Sixth Formers studying Business Studies spent five days in Madrid in March . They visited a cake factory to observe the production line and try their hand at some cake decorating . They also visited Real Madrid ’ s football stadium and spent a day at a Spanish School .
In June the group were pleased to welcome the Spanish students they had met back to London ( see pic above ).
“ In the Sixth Form it is recognised that skills and experience gained outside the classroom are as important for CVs and UCAS applications as the academic grades a student gains ,” explains Mr Weatherhead , Vice Principal at EBC . “ For this reason we run a Sixth Form enrichment programme on a Wednesday afternoon in which no lessons are timetabled and students are encouraged to extend their skills in some way .” Sixth Formers can choose from a range of activities on offer . This can be a sport or gaining a new skill such as learning a new language or discussing art or music . There is also a photography club which went right back to basics , starting with photograms and pinhole cameras made out of crisp tubes .
Some students choose to undertake voluntary work , either mentoring younger boys at the college , helping in a charity shop or volunteering in a local primary school or care home . A popular choice is the Duke of Edinburgh award programme ( see sidebar ) but anything goes !
T he Duke of Edinburgh programme continues to go from strength to strength . In February this year over 30 boys attended an awards evening for participants in Wandsworth Borough and were presented with their certificates by the Mayor . The Council has also praised the work the college has done in increasing participation amongst minority students who are traditionally less likely to take part in the scheme .
Over 12 months 27 boys completed the Bronze award and 64 the Silver award
In total , over the last 12 months 27 boys completed the Bronze award and 64 the Silver award . The current numbers enrolled in the scheme are 41 Bronze level ( Purple Ties ), 56 Silver level ( Yellow Ties and Sixth Form ) and 14 Gold level ( Sixth Form ) with an additional eight expupils also trying to complete their Gold level this year in conjunction with their university commitments .
Boys have taken part in a variety of expeditions including three-day expeditions to Swanage and the Peak District . There has also been a Bronze expedition to the New Forest and two more Silver expeditions to the Peak District and Brecon Beacons in Wales .
Core skills developed are teamwork , leadership , co-operating , route-planning , navigation and camp craft . In addition to the expeditions pupils have completed other sections including Sport ( Physical Activity ), Skill and Volunteering ( Social Contribution ), each for periods of three , six or 12 months .
Boys from Year 9 have taken take part in a two-day Outdoor and Adventurous Activities Camp which follows on from the Year 7 & 8 PGL residential trips and gives them a taster for the Duke of Edinburgh expeditions . Mr Beveridge Head of Outdoor Education