Bevin magazine Issue 5 - Summer 2013 Bevin - Issue 5 | Page 6



For many students a subject can come alive through class trips and workshops . We look at how EBC students learn beyond the classroom

T ake a walk around EBC during the school ’ s working week and you will usually find teachers at their whiteboards and students working hard at their desks . Every now and then , however , the door will open on to an abandoned classroom – a clue that the lesson for today is taking place somewhere other than the classroom

“ Sometimes you can really bring a subject alive through a well-timed trip or a workshop held at school ,” explains Ms Abogunrin , a senior teacher at the college . She cites examples from her own subject , History , such as the annual Year 7 trip to Bodiam Castle , as being big favourites for staff and students alike .
In the autumn term , Year 7 students study Shakespeare during their English lessons , and a timely workshop by the Orange Tree Theatre Company can help lift the Bard ’ s plays out of the text book . The Science Department takes Year 7 boys to the Science Museum and organises a number of other curriculum-based trips such as a biology trip to Wandsworth Common where students use transects ( one metre square areas ) to measure the type of vegetation .
The Maths departments organises Puzzle Days for students in Years 7 & 8 to get students thinking about Maths creatively .

Skills and experience gained outside the classroom are as important as academic grades

Students in Year 9 and upwards also take part in a number of Enterprise Days to hone their business skills . Some opportunities are offered that do not have a direct link to the curriculum such as the annual BBC News School Reporting Day . This year the group were lucky enough to interview Sadiq Khan , our local MP and an ex-pupil of the college , and to visit the Houses of Parliament .
There are also a number of residential trips away from the college on offer including trips to PGL centres for Year 7 & 8 in the summer term and a camping trip for boys in Year 9 . This year the Year 7 team took a group of the Foundation learners to Jamie ’ s Farm in Wiltshire where the boys had the chance to help out with the animals and experience life on a working farm . The PE department organised a ski trip to Le Corbiere in the French Alps and are currently planning the same trip for February 2014 .
This year the Geography department took 35 boys from Years 9 , 10 & 11 to Italy to look at volcanoes and other geographical features .