Between Wars March, 2014 | Page 3

Despite a peace treaty in 2003,people still live in fear. A 16 year old girl named Mapendo who is from eastern DR Congo reported, " I'm terrified of walking along roads because I don't want to be raped for the third time." World Vision, a relief organization, has been interviewing more 100 children camps and communities in North and South Kivu. More than a third described witnessing or experiencing episodes of violence, at times extreme. "They came and were killing people with machetes," another orphan girl named Sifa who is 13 said. "I saw them slit people's throats. I saw a neighbour have his two arms and toes cut off." (Mark Tran, 2014)

The UN accused Rwanda military of arming non legal weapons. Millions of dollars, many people's efforts, and several decades have all been spent trying to find a resolution and peace for children in eastern DRC. But these efforts have not gone far enough. A World Vision spokesperson said, "A lack of co-ordination, fleeting attention and focus, and insufficient access to those most in need all make". Education is very important to the children of DRC's lives. Education is the only way to escape poverty and there insecurity. "I want to rebuild the life I had before the war," said Rashid from DRC who is 16. "I want to live in a peaceful environment where I can go to school with no problems." (Mark Tran, 2014)